By Cheryl Sullenger
Bellevue, NE — A botched abortion patient can be heard moaning in obvious distress during newly obtained recordings of two 911 calls placed on Saturday, March 31, 2012, from LeRoy Carhart’s Abortion and Contraceptive Clinic of Nebraska, located in Bellevue, a suburb of Omaha. The recordings and witness statements indicate that Carhart may be breaking the Nebraska ban on late-term abortions after 20 weeks.
The abortion worker who placed the initial call specifically asked that an ambulance be sent with “no lights or sirens.”
The recordings, obtained by Operation Rescue through an open records request, show that clinic workers were uncooperative and slow to give information about the patient’s condition to the emergency dispatcher.
The caller, who said she knew nothing of the patient’s condition, questioned the nurse, Lindsey (Alejandro) Creekmore, in the procedure room in an attempt to get information to the dispatcher that was needed in order to get the woman the help she needed.
“What’s going on, Lindsey?” the caller asked. “They want to know. 911 wants to know. They want to know what’s going on. I need an answer.”
A witness that was at the scene when the ambulance arrived stated, “I saw a woman, who looked like she was quite pregnant, clutching her stomach as she was put into the ambulance. She had a drape below her belly.”
Police told witnesses to the indent that the woman was transported to the Bellevue Medical Center where she was treated.
Late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart was present at the time of the medical emergency in March, but did not participate in the 911 calls. He was involved in the 3rd trimester abortion death of a patient in 2005.
“Based on this incident, there is concern that Carhart may be violating the Nebraska ban on late-term abortions after 20 weeks when babies can feel pain,” said Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation.
“This is particularly troubling since the Nebraska Attorney General’s office is very aware that Carhart may be breaking the law. Operation Rescue has submitted several statements by former Carhart employees and supplied then with information from other confidential informants who have alleged violations ranging from billing fraud to missing drugs to falsifying ultrasound measurements for the purpose of evading the late-term abortion ban. Yet, all we have gotten from the supposedly pro-life Attorney General Jon Bruning is the ‘run-around’. The injury of this woman is directly Bruning’s responsibility because he had the opportunity to protect women from Carhart’s dangerous abortion practices, but did nothing.”
Operation Rescue has released a video featuring the 911 recordings and a written transcript of the calls.
The video states the police said the woman was at the hospital and not in critical care. What about the baby? Yea…I said it. BABY he/she was not a fetus!
I doubt he’s really a ‘clinic’ since it’s only him killing. A clinic usually requires 2 or more abortionists…another lie! Does he have a clinic license?