By Cheryl Sullenger Aurora, IL – As one of Planned Parenthood’s abortion patients was lying unresponsive, an employee of the abortion facility located in Aurora, Illinois, phoned 911 for help. The conversation between the obtuse clinic worker and the 911 dispatcher revealed a familiarity that only comes from repeated interaction. “It is obvious that […]
Whistleblower: 2 Women Suffered Gruesome Injuries, Retained Baby Parts, Emergency Surgery after Late-Term Abortions in Maryland
Complaint about dangerous clinic owner, LeRoy Carhart, sent to Secretary of HHS Two women within nine days suffered life-threatening injuries that required emergency surgery and hospitalization after both received abortions at 25 weeks of pregnancy at a notorious late-term abortion facility in Bethesda, Maryland. Owned and operated by nationally-known late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, the Bethesda […]
Michigan Abortion Staff Overdoses Woman into Unconsciousness on Opioids During Abortion
By Cheryl Sullenger Eastpointe, MI – An ambulance was called to the Eastland Women’s Center in Eastpoint, Michigan, for an unconscious woman who had apparently been given an overdose of opioid pain killers during an abortion on May 22, 2020. The 911 records obtained by Operation Rescue show that when the abortion facility staff […]
Late-Term Abortion Clinic Involved in Baby Parts Trafficking Sends 35th Woman to Hospital
By Cheryl Sullenger Albuquerque, NM – An ambulance was called to the Southwestern Women’s Options abortion facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico, yesterday for a woman suffering from a medical emergency. The incident was first reported by pro-life activist Patty Woodworth on her Facebook page where she posted several photographs of the incident. The woman was […]
Woman Returns to Chicago Planned Parenthood Hemorrhaging and in Pain after Abortion
By Cheryl Sullenger Chicago, IL – An ambulance was called on April 22, 2020, for a woman who had returned to the Near North Planned Parenthood, located on North LaSalle Drive in Chicago, Illinois, for a follow-up appointment after suffering serious complications to an abortion. According to 911 records provided to Operation Rescue by […]
Abortion Clinic’s Busted Elevator Forces Woman to be Carried Down Stairs after Suffering Medical Emergency
By Cheryl Sullenger Granite City, IL – Less than six weeks after one Illinois abortion patient was hospitalized after a botched abortion, a second woman required immediate transport to a hospital emergency room after suffering a serious abortion-related medical emergency. But this recent incident took an unusual twist. It began on May 7, 2020, […]