For more sharable memes, see below!]
Abortion911.com is an outreach of Operation Rescue, which works to document and report abortion abuses. We are endeavoring to compile the most complete information possible related to medical emergencies at abortion facilities in the United States and make that information easily available to the public.
You can help us prove that abortion is NOT safe!
If you have witnessed a medical emergency or ambulance presence at an abortion facility, please send your information to us at ReportAbortion911@zoho.com.
If your information is urgent, please call 316-683-6790 ext. 112.
What should I send?
1. An account of what transpired including the date, time, location, name of abortion facility.
2. Photos, video, audio files, or any other documentation you have related to the incident.
3. A phone number where you can be reached, if you want a call-back. (Optional)
If you have information about an abortion-related patient death, whether it took place at an abortion facility or elsewhere, please send us as much information as possible, including scanned copies of any paperwork you might have.
What if my files are too big to e-mail?
Please use a service such as Dropbox. It is free. Simply upload your files then follow the directions to share it with info.operationrescue.org@gmail.com.
What will you do with the information I send?
We will do all we can to make this information available to the public. You can expect that we will write about it and share it on Abortion911.com, OperationRescue.org, and our other informational site AbortionDocs.org. We also share our reports on various social media platforms.
If appropriate, we may use the information you send as the basis for a complaint to the proper oversight or enforcement agency.
Can I remain anonymous?
Of course! We will only print or share your name if you request it. Otherwise, we will automatically treat your personal information with confidentiality.
Note concerning video: If you are taking video using a smart phone, please turn your phone horizontally when filming. This provides the best shot with the best context for what is happening. (Vertical shots give us a lot of sky and sidewalk/street/grass, and not as much information about what is going on around the incident.) -Thanks!
Memes to share!