By Cheryl Sullenger
New York City, NY – A patient was taken out of the Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood in Manhattan on a gurney on July 7, 2017, after an ambulance was called during an undisclosed medical emergency.
This represents the seventh medical incident involving emergency ambulance transport documented at the high-volume flagship Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood in 2017 alone.
Operation Rescue maintains a non-exhaustive record of abortion-related medical emergencies, and believes that such emergencies are on the rise.
Overall, Operation Rescue has documented the following:
• 7 medical emergency transports from the Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood since January 1, 2017.
• 10 medical emergency transports from the Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood over the past 16 months.
• 23 medical emergency transports from Planned Parenthood abortion facilities nationwide since January 1, 2017.
• 51 medical emergency transports from Planned Parenthood abortion facilities nationwide since January 1, 2016.
“We must make our Senators aware that the defunding of Planned Parenthood is a non-negotiable item in the new health care bill. It is unconscionable that our hard-earned tax money continues to prop up an organization that heavily profits from the maiming of women and the taking of innocent lives through abortion,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.
It is far passed time to DEFUND PP!
Revoke their medical licenses. Check their certificates. DEFUND!
this is what happens when people use abortion as a standard form of birth control instead of just life saving.
Abortion isn’t used for saving the mother’s life-very, very, very rare-pretty much non-existent -there is always a c-section.
Abortion practically never “saves” a life it always ends a life.
Do more than revoke medical licenses, Remove all supporters of Planned Parenthood from the various government offices in both federal and states,, starting with the federal and state Senate; House and State Assembly members. I would bet they are being provided for, to keep allowing this to occur! Recognizing that there is a major effort to reduce the world population to just around One Billion people worldwide, Those pushing this and promoting mass extermination as is the case with Planned Parenthood and the various groups who are willing to kill to promote their agendas. It’s time Americans (REAL AMERICANS) take a stand to stop this. We are not GOD!! It’s time we acted on stopping this by any legal means availble to us to include all legislators and all levels of government being replaced.
The only time I see it being a necessity, is if the woman has been raped and she does not want that child! The other is if a woman’s life is in danger! Those are the only two valid reasons I would consider.such an act!
As for those who use baby parts for non- medical and commercial perposes, should be fed any and all parts of those murdered for profit, down each person’s throat. Bones included….
If any other medical procedure had a 50% death rate it would be immediately terminated!!!!
J. Harold Mohler MD
I agree this needs to be defunded but I live in NYC and Schumer and Gillibrand are our disgraceful Democratic senators. I don’t believe that writing to them makes any difference. They have proven time and again to be all about party and not about the people they serve. The best way to put a stop to this is to vote out these two canker sores in New York City and get some conservatives in office.