By Cheryl Sullenger
San Diego, CA – A pro-life sidewalk counseling group is reporting that a woman was rushed to the hospital by ambulance from Family Planning Associates in San Diego on January 17, 2015. The husband of the injured woman told sidewalk counselors that his wife suffered complications to an abortion.
According to Helpers of Gods Precious Infants San Diego, sidewalk counselors had spoken to the couple earlier. They indicated they were married and were expecting their first child. The woman said she was three to four months pregnant. She turned away when a sidewalk counselor attempted to show her a picture of a baby at 6 weeks gestation, saying she did not want to see it. Sidewalk counselors talked to them about how many women feel regret after an abortion. Nevertheless the couple continued on into the abortion clinic.
“About an hour later, we noticed a nurse holding the medical exit door open while looking out toward the street. Approaching sirens soon signaled that an emergency vehicle was heading toward the clinic. Within minutes an ambulance and fire truck parked in front of the clinic and the paramedics went inside,” noted an e-mail account of the incident. “A few minutes later, the paramedics brought the young married woman out on a gurney and loaded her into the ambulance, and drove her to a hospital. The husband told the counselor that there were complications after the abortion. The counselor gave the husband a Rosary, and told him that we would be praying for him and his wife.”
“Here is a couple expecting their first child, and now who knows if they will ever be able to have another after suffering abortion complications. So many women think that the worst will never happen to them until it does,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “In California there simply are no laws protecting women from predatory abortion practices. There are no waiting periods. There are no clinic standards or inspections. It’s such a dangerous situation.”
Because pro-life activists photographed the incident, there is now documentation of this abortion complication in a state where there are no reporting requirements.
“We encourage activists outside abortion facilities to keep cameras handy, snap as many photos as possible when there are incidents, then send the information to Operation Rescue,” said Newman. “Information like this has been used to support new safety laws in other states. It is important to have a record, especially since none of these incidents are reported in California.”
Operation Rescue documents abortion-related medical emergencies and other abortion abuses and makes the information available for everyone to see at and at
Further information on how to document medical emergencies at abortion facilities and use the information to close abortion clinics is available in the new book, Abortion Free, by Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger. It is available at at, and from
So sad.
May God help them to learn from this that abortion destroys all it comes in contact with.
Insult, blasphemy! The nerve of this counselor giving this young woman a rosary and telling her and her husband a bold face lie, that he would pray for them? Now, this young couple may never have a child of their own. I cannot understand why they would even consider having their baby butchered. I wish every woman who ever had an abortion would come before their state legislature and tell their story. The pain, humiliation, the suffering, the guilt, these women have to live with the rest of their lives. These women should consider the consequences before they walk through those doors of horror and murder. Planned Parenthood is nothing but a slaughterhouse of the innocence. Do this to an animal and you go to prison. Do this to a human being it’s okay. Even Obama promised Planned Parenthood he would make certain they would continue to get funding. “I don’t want my daughters cursed with a baby!” He yelled to the audience in his first month of campaigning. They all cheered. Now he’s singing the praises of those butchers as a great thing. GOD is going to punish America. She has shed innocent blood. It’s not too late to stop giving our money to Planned Parenthood. Not one penny should be given to the slaughter of these innocent souls, GOD holds them so precious.
So many people think they will just have more children when it’s convenient. For forty years I’ve seen it play out quite differently with women and men alike. I know many people who this was their only child and they grieve for it. Men, if the women won’t fight for the life of your children, you better!!!!
Yeah she may still be alive and headed to the hospital but just moments earlier it makes me sad that that five month old baby was murdered. They should both go to prison.
40Helen60 Catholics believe in the power of the Rosary! Every word is found in Scripture! The Rosary is a meditation on the Life of Jesus and the Woman who mothered Him, the Woman promised in Genesis 3:15. The purpose of prayer is that this husband and wife repent of the evil they have done. Jesus came to heal sinners, not condemn them!
How unfortunate all three directly and needlessly suffered because the couple refused help when needed and ignored their risk. Now one is murdered, another wounded. I do not understand why someone would hurt an innocent child, or how the husband could forgive himself knowing that happened to his partner and child.
I am 100% Pro-Life. I recently read the article entitled: “Woman Who Rejected Help from Pro-Life Activists Rushed by Ambulance from San Diego Abortion Facility” I was truly saddened by this horrible news, and I too pray for the couple. What really gets me even more upset is the user -40Helen60- whom was able to comment with such hate! She spoke of God but had NOTHING Godly to say… She expressed Anger, Blasphemy, and such judgement. According to her… the Sidewalk counselors should not have told the husband of their intentions of prayer. We should pray for everyone…as the Blessed Mother prays for all of us…As God has instructed us too. THIS IS WHAT GIVES PRO-LIFERS A BAD NAME… My prayers are with this couple, and all those who condemn them That is all…
Am wondering if Helen misunderstood who gave them the rosary — perhaps she thought the abortion staff did, rather than the sidewalk counselor???