By Cheryl Sullenger
Tempe, AZ – An ambulance was called to the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Tempe, Arizona, on the morning of February 1, 2018, to transport a woman who was suffering a medical emergency.
Pro-life activist Jim Fitzsimmons, who is the 40 Days for Life Campaign Director in Tempe, Arizona, told Operation Rescue that the recording of this incident, which was done from the property next door, prompted Planned Parenthood to call the police.
The New Tempe Regional Health Center Planned Parenthood abortion facility uses a vocal group of “escorts” who have been known to disrupt pro-life activities, including the recording of incidents involving medical emergencies.
Ambulance & paramedics at the Tempe Planned Parenthood on February 1, 2018 from Jim on Vimeo,
While the condition of the woman remains unknown, video taken at the scene shows her awake with her legs bent on the flat gurney. She appeared to be in some discomfort. An IV bag could be seen near her side.
“The fact that America continues to fund Planned Parenthood with our Federal tax dollars is appalling, given the number of women injured and innocent babies killed by them,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Today everyone is concerned about gun violence against children, but Planned Parenthood slaughters more babies in one day than all the school shootings combined. If we truly want to keep women and children safe, Planned Parenthood abortion facilities should be immediately defunded and closed.”
Google reviews for the Tempe Planned Parenthood reveal a callous treatment of women, who have given it only 2.7 stars out of a possible 5. Complaints focused on rudeness of the staff toward the patients.
“Let me just say the female doctor here is very rude will [sic] never go back,” stated one reviewer who gave the Planned Parenthood one star.
Three female abortionists who have been known to work at this facility include Belinda K. Beck, Laura Dalton, and Maria Platia.
“Planned Parenthood acts like they care more about women than anyone, but the women who actually have gone there say the truth is something far different. Planned Parenthood will apparently do or say anything to lure in pregnant women so they can be exploited for profit,” said Newman.
This is the 68th medical emergency documented by Operation Rescue at an abortion facility since January 2017. It represents the seventh known incident so far in 2018.
Of those 68 medical emergencies over the past 13 months, 38 of them involved Planned Parenthood facilities.
I guess I would be rude too, if I killed babies all day for a living. Just sayin. ….
Kinda goes with the territory and pro-death atmosphere.
And the lady was in pain? Imagine what the baby went through for just a sec.
George Soros I understand, is an owner of Planned Parenthood. Now you know why he supports Democrat Candidates for Government Positions, in Local, State, and Federal positions. He also owns Companies that sell drug paraphernalia and marijuana. So reason he gives campaign money to Democrat Candidates and Politicians pushing for legalization of drugs in our States. And the federal tax payer funds that are given to Planned Parenthood, are in turn used to give money to Democrat Politicians. We must stop funding Planned Parenthood. We must also encourage our Federal Government to crack down on States that have legalized Recreational Marijuana. Drugs that are killing our kids, by leading them to use even stronger drugs like cocaine, heroin, and opioids; that are coming across our Southern Border, that the Democrats want to keep open. This is another attempt to destroy America from within. They are wiping out a generation or two of young people that should be our future leaders and military personnel to defend America from both domestic and foreign enemies. People with drug problems or convictions are not allowed to enlist in our Military. People addicted to drugs are not able to work or hold jobs, and have become part of the homeless problem we are now seeing.
We must wake up to what George Soros and his paid Democrats are doing to America.
I’m not surprised that Soros has a hand in this. . . .
It should known that the NRA does give campaign donations to BOTH PARTIES at a FRACTION OF THE AMOUNT Planned Genocide which gives MILLIONS to DEMON RATS!!!!
My Senators and House Representative voted for the last budget that approved 530,000,000 dollars ($530 Million) for Planned Parenthood and their killing of the innocent. Their excuse, it was either that or vote for a government shutdown. My reply to them is you are immoral.
More children are murdered in cold blood by abortion then are by school shootings. For the love of God, shut down the government to stop the funding of Planned Parenthood and other abortion killing mills.
God IS in control! The defunding of abortion and passing legislation that states, “Life begins at CONCEPTION” is probably a major step in “Making America Great Again.” Each of us can have a part in this.
Please call your Congressmen and tell them they must PASS legislation that makes “Life begins at CONCEPTION” the rule of law and a violation, other then for the physical saving of a woman’s life, is premeditated murder (Murder in the 1st degree) punishable by a life sentence in a federal prison by both the woman getting the abortion and the individual doing it!.
All they care about is murdering the baby and selling the body parts. If they dont repent they will all be in a special part of hell, reserved just for them. That is only my opinion.
MS13 & PP13 aka Planned Parenthood, both are or behave like gangs, both exploit and degrade civilization, both place no value on human life, the one that is federally funded and institutionalized kills more people in one day than all the school shootings combined yet MS-13 is considered Public Enemy Number One while PP-13 advertises it’s inhumanity and infanticide conducting lawfare against those who would oppose and shut them down… America America threw away her biblical glasses and brags about how she can’tcan’t see…! Those of us who still can see say yeah that’s obvious. Duh
I wish that the ladies who were subjected to the nasty treatment at that “clinic” were able to find a pregnancy resource center. At PRC’s Moms and their children get the real help they need. Is it any wonder that proabortionists want to do away with PRC’s.
It is so interesting to me, that these people who’s life work requires they hide what is going on, and resulting is horrible attitudes, anger, hate of those who do not agree with their life’s work. There was a baby, it was not mine biologically, but I begged the pregnant mother to not have an abortion, and then I told her I would adopt the baby if she would just not abort. Needless, to say she did abort. I have gone thru a period where I wept uncontrollably for that baby. I have no children of my own. My local PCC helped me to deal with that loss. My local PCC is awesome, and the director is awesome. I believed for 2 weeks I was going to have the opportunity to parent that baby, that was back in the 80’s I didn’t work through that until after 2006. I will always miss that baby boy Joshua, or girl Elizabeth Anne.
This is how ignorant & dumb the Federal Government is. Funding of PP should have been stopped years ago. Funding PP is funding legalized murder made possible by the YAHOOS known as SCOTUS! The funding should be diverted to securing our schools as all government buildings are secured. Instead of terminating lives in the womb the money would save lives of our children. Also, if the YAHOOS in government quit providing illegals with citizen benefits there would be more than enough money to secure our schools.
PP needs to be cut off from it’s federal funding! Without that, it will collapse financially and go out of business!