By Cheryl Sullenger
New York City, NY – For the second time in three weeks, an ambulance has transported a patient from the Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood abortion facility in New York City.
According to a pro-life activist who snapped photos of the incident, an ambulance arrived around noon on February 4, 2017, and emergency responders entered the Planned Parenthood center. Paramedics soon returned to the ambulance for a gurney. At approximately 12:25 p.m., they emerged with a patient on the gurney with her head covered with a black cloth.
“We have studied hundreds of medical emergencies at abortion facilities, and it seems like 25 minutes is an unusually long time for paramedics to be on the scene,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We don’t really know what happened, but one reasonable possibility is that it took the paramedics time to stabilize the patient before transporting her.”
Other medical emergencies documented by Operation Rescue at this same Planned Parenthood abortion facility include the following:
• January 18, 2017: A woman was removed from the abortion facility on a gurney and wheeled to the ambulance, passing under a large pink banner that ironically read “Healthcare happens.”
• November 4, 2016: African-American woman who was carted out of Planned Parenthood in a wheelchair, put onto a stretcher, and loaded into an awaiting ambulance.
• March 1, 2016: African-American woman was brought out of the abortion facility in a wheelchair and helped into ambulance.
• May 4, 2013: Ambulance transport woman from Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood.
Cecile Richards, the CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America has stated, “The healthcare and the safety of our patients is our most important priority.”
However, the frequency of recent medical emergencies at their flag-ship New York abortion facility says otherwise.
“Planned Parenthood’s rhetoric is often very different from reality,” said Newman. “Two hospitalized patients within three weeks is appalling, and an indication that there are serious patient care issues at the Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood.”
“Heath Care Happens” just not at PP
Doing something abnormal or foreign to the body is bound to bring bad results to one’s health. Stopping pregnancies from going through the full ‘cycle’ from start to finish is actually hard on a woman’s body.
Well, I hope this patient is okay. and I hope the abortionist and/or others involved have learned something GOOD from it. I hope they look in the mirror and think about whether they really wish to be associated with this industry. And I hope their answer is NO!
I hope the clinic workers go to and get the support they need to leave the industry that has thus far held them captive.
The good news is that now abortionist Maureen Paul isn’t licensed in NY so she didn’t do it. Maybe her abortiondocs profile needs to be edited. Hopefully she is close to retiring because she is old.
When Carhart thought abortion was going to be criminalized he jumped in to action and started teaching women how to give abortions to one another. He says Dr. Michael Polycar believes abortion is so easy, a chimpanzee could do it. And yet, he strikes fear by insisting if abortion were illegal, very quickly we’d have as many women’s deaths as the U.S. death toll from Viet Nam. Listen for yourself, if you’d like:
Abortion is always life threatening to the baby.
Just a curiosity…it seems to me that most likely state or city health care and emergency service systems were used. If so then it may be that most or ALL communications between EMTs and their controllers (advising RNP or Doctors) are recoverable using FOIA laws.
If this was not a totally PRIVATE system (meaning private ambulance and private hospital) then the radio and even docs such as equipment and meds used in services would all be publicly available! The patient of coarse would be protected from ID, however no one else would be under HIPPA….think about it. A simple FOIA request and a new world opens up.
Now in NYC it is doubtful that they would submit the info from the request…too far to the left.
We routinely make requests for 911 records requests. If you read more about medical emergencies on this web site, you will find videos with many such recordings. However, those records are getting harder for us to get. There is a trend to over-redact or flat out deny our requests wrongly using the excuse that they are protected by HIPAA. We have had to sue in some cases to get what should be public information.