By Cheryl Sullenger Dayton, OH — An ambulance was called to the Women’s Med Dayton (WMD) abortion facility on January 13, 2021, for a woman who was suffering heavy bleeding after an abortion. The WMD worker who called 911 seemed shaken and often stammered during the request for an “urgent” transport of a 25-year […]
Manhattan Planned Parenthood Abortion Training Facility Hospitalized Fifth Woman in 2020
By Cheryl Sullenger Manhattan, NY – For the fifth time this year, a woman who was a client of the Manhattan Planned Parenthood abortion facility was transported by ambulance to a hospital emergency room. This is the 38th such medical emergency documented by Operation Rescue with the help of local pro-life activists. The incident occurred […]
Hope Clinic For Women Hospitalized Two Women in October — One Dangerously Pushed to ER in Wheelchair
Second emergency Two days earlier, on October 15, 2020, an ambulance was called to the Hope Clinic for Women for a woman who witnesses said appeared to be in pain and was in the seated position on a gurney with her knees pulled up toward her chest. Instead of being transferred to the hospital emergency […]
Listen! Two Urgent 911 Calls Reveal Woman “Bleeding Out” at Illinois Planned Parenthood
By Cheryl Sullenger Flossmoor, IL – Two emergency 911 calls were made from the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Flossmoor, Illinois, urgently requesting an ambulance “as soon as possible” for a woman who was described as “bleeding out” after a surgical abortion. “Based on the recordings of the emergency calls from Planned Parenthood, this was […]
As NYC Planned Parenthood Workers Celebrated a Supposed Joe Biden Victory, They Ignored Woman Suffering a Botched Abortion Wheeled Past on Gurney
By Cheryl Sullenger New York, NY – As shouting New Yorkers began to take to the street where cars were honking in celebration of the news media’s premature announcement that pro-abortion Democrat Joe Biden was projected to win the Presidency, a young woman, who was apparently injured during an abortion, was removed by emergency workers […]
Ambulance Transports 36th Known Woman from Manhattan Planned Parenthood
By Cheryl Sullenger New York, NY – As Bishop Peter Byrne was praying across the street from the Manhattan Planned Parenthood abortion facility as part of a 40 Days for Life campaign, an all-too familiar incident occurred: an ambulance arrived to care for a woman inside Planned Parenthood. The emergency took place on Tuesday, October […]