36-Year-Old Woman Bleeds Out While Staff Downplays Seriousness During 911 Call Dayton, Ohio – On May 25, an employee of Women’s Med Dayton (WMD) in Dayton, Ohio, called 911 to request a “non-emergency” transport for a 36-year-old woman to a hospital for emergency intervention. The 911 dispatcher was clearly baffled by the request, perhaps initially thinking the […]
Late-Term NJ Abortion Clinic: Dangerous Emergencies Adding Up
Cardiac Crisis, Two Possible Ectopic Pregnancy Ruptures Sidewalk counselors at Cherry Hill Women’s Center (CHWC) in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, observed and documented multiple medical emergencies requiring hospital transport over the last several months. The City of Cherry Hill and Camden County 911 services typically coordinate efforts, but the city is far less responsive to our […]
‘Hope’ Clinic Butchers 13-Year-Old Girl in Second Trimester Abortion
Doors of Reckless Granite City, Illinois, Abortion Business Must be Permanently Shuttered By Anne Reed Operation Rescue recently reported on four medical emergencies in less than two months at the misnamed ‘Hope’ Clinic for Women (HCW) in Granite City, Illinois. At that time, the 911 records had not yet been secured for the fourth ambulance transfer that occurred on […]
Criminal Abortionist Dead, MI Abortion Facility that Employed Him Still Injuring Women
39-Year-Old Woman Suffers Seizure Eastpointe, Michigan – It was rumored that criminal abortionist Martin Ruddock was fired from Eastland Women’s Clinic in Eastpointe, Michigan, after multiple abortions were botched in February 2022. However, according to Pro-Life Action League, it was recently revealed through a Freedom of Information Act request that he died of cancer last May. In addition […]
NC Governor Vows to Protect Abortion, Women Pay the Price at Dangerous Chapel Hill Planned Parenthood
Last Friday, Planned Parenthood Chapel Hill required emergency transport for yet another woman with uncontrolled bleeding. This is the fourth reported emergency in just five months. Operation Rescue documented another emergency back in February 2022. On May 5, advocates on the sidewalk spotted an ambulance leaving the facility around 9:45 a.m. A public records request revealed that Planned […]
‘Hope Clinic’ for Women: Four Women Transported by Ambulance in Less Than Two Months
Emergencies Nearly Doubled in Frequency Since Last Year Operation Rescue published a report this time last year revealing evidence that 11 women were transported by ambulance in a two-year period from Hope Clinic for Women (HCW) in Granite City, Illinois. Since then, Operation Rescue has documented nine medical emergencies at HCW requiring transport to a nearby emergency room. Most recently, […]