Last Friday, Planned Parenthood Chapel Hill required emergency transport for yet another woman with uncontrolled bleeding. This is the fourth reported emergency in just five months. Operation Rescue documented another emergency back in February 2022. On May 5, advocates on the sidewalk spotted an ambulance leaving the facility around 9:45 a.m. A public records request revealed that Planned […]
Planned Parenthood Chapel Hill Continues to Injure Women and Downplay Life-Threatening Emergencies
Another woman required emergency transport due to hemorrhaging at a Planned Parenthood located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Sidewalk advocates contacted Operation Rescue and CEC For Life after witnessing an ambulance leaving the facility on Saturday, January 28, with no lights or sirens. A public records request for the 911 call revealed the patient was […]
Fort Collins Planned Parenthood’s Frightening ‘Crime Scene’ Cover-up
Fort Collins, CO – At about 10:30 a.m., on Saturday, January 7, 2023, sidewalk advocate associates of Operation Rescue observed emergency vehicles wailing down the street toward them and turning into the parking lot of Planned Parenthood’s Fort Collins Surgical Center, located in Fort Collins, Colorado. This Planned Parenthood went to a great deal of trouble […]
Planned Parenthood Employee Sounds Like He’s Coordinating a Dining Experience While Woman Hemorrhages
911 Call at Kalamazoo MI Planned Parenthood On the afternoon of September 9, 2022, Kalamazoo Health Center – Planned Parenthood in Kalamazoo, Michigan, made a call to 911. The emergency involved a 37-year-old woman bleeding out. Coded “Priority 1: High” on the computer-aided dispatch transcript, it also revealed that two rescue vehicles were dispatched, an […]
Another Abortion Clinic Patient Has Seizure: Transported by Ambulance
Aurora, IL – Associates of Operation Rescue who were on site at Planned Parenthood Aurora Health Center in Aurora, Illinois, reported that emergency medical personnel treated and transported a patient shortly after 11 a.m. by ambulance on Saturday, September 24, 2022. After securing the 911 recording of the emergency, Operation Rescue learned that a female patient […]
Woman Sent to ER After Failed Late-Term Abortion: Denver Planned Parenthood
By Anne Reed Denver, CO – Operation Rescue has been alerted to a July 20, 2022, emergency at Planned Parenthood Park Hill Health Center, formerly known as Stapleton Planned Parenthood. Sidewalk advocates captured video. In response to a 911 call made from the Denver abortion business at 10:42 a.m., emergency medical personnel arrived to transport […]