By Cheryl Sullenger
Madison, WI – Emergency radio traffic has revealed important information about what happened to an asthmatic Planned Parenthood patient who was transported to the hospital from the group’s Madison, Wisconsin, abortion facility on August 9, 2016 – information that someone inside the city government did not want anyone to know.
After the medical emergency was first reported by local pro-life activist Dan Miller, Operation Rescue placed a Freedom of Information Request for the 911 call records. The Dane County Public Safety Communications office released an audio file of the call and the CAD Incident Detail Report, but both were so heavily redacted that there was no way to determine what the medical emergency was about.
However, once Operation Rescue reviewed raw radio traffic that it obtained apart from the Public Safety Communications office, it became obvious that something was amiss.
Despite a clear record in the heavily redacted CAD report, which showed Medic Unit 8 was dispatched at 11:42 a.m., there was no record in the Fire Department radio traffic that any units had been dispatched to Planned Parenthood.
“It appears that not only were the records we asked for redacted, but attempts were made to erase any mention of the incident from the radio traffic recordings as well,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “Someone obviously went to a lot of trouble to conceal the truth from the public about the dangers women face during abortions at Planned Parenthood.”
However, careful sleuthing by Operation Rescue’s staff uncovered a brief recording on another radio stream that told the story.
At 11:59 a.m., a responder from Medic Unit 8 radioed a hospital to describe the condition of a patient he was transporting to the emergency room.
“There’s about a liter and a half of blood loss,” he began. “She was hypotensive and tachycardic at the clinic there.”
In layman’s terms, the hemorrhaging patient had low blood pressure, presumably from the heavy blood loss, and as a result, her heart began to beat faster than normal.
The abortion facility had established an IV and pumped about 400 ccs of fluid into her, which is the equivalent to just over 13.5 ounces — a long way from the 1.5 liters (nearly 51 ounces) of blood she had lost.
As the ambulance sped toward the unnamed hospital, the woman’s heartbeat was still a bit high at 102 beats per minute, but her blood pressure had stabilized. The patient was also asthmatic, which was preventing full oxygenation.
The responder concluded his report saying, “See you in about ten minutes. Are there any questions?”
Hearing no questions, Medic 8 signed off.
The CAD report noted that the ambulance arrived at the hospital at 12:10 p.m., just about 10 minutes after the radio report on the patient’s condition – just as the responder indicated.
“Whoever is over-redacting public information from the records and covering up for Planned Parenthood is only creating an even more dangerous environment for women, who are denied access to information about the risks they face,” said Newman. “With county workers shamefully shielding Planned Parenthood, they remain unaccountable and free to continue their shoddy practices without worry of being caught. This only ensures that more woman will continue to be injured by Planned Parenthood.”
The August 4th injury was the fourth documented at the Madison Planned Parenthood abortion facility in the past three years. (Read about the others.)
View full CAD Incident Detail(less) Report
Listen to the ridiculously redacted 911 call:
I don’t understand what some hope to gain by keeping secret that “patients” at particular centers sometimes need hospital assistance.
The “safer” a procedure appears the easier it is to convince people to undergo that procedure and therefore the more fees can be collected for performing that procedure!
I have to wonder if it ever becomes discouraging for those who live with the scourge of abortion every day as you all at Operation Rescue do. Do you ever feel, you know what, these women are bound and determined to murder their own babies, what can we really do? Just following your posts, I have become so discouraged that this evil will ever end.
Nope, never discouraged. Sometimes frustrated and sometimes saddened, and maybe even sickened at the perversion of abortion that commits the grossest of atrocities under the guise of “health.” But not discouraged. You have to realize that over 80% of the abortion clinics have shut down since 1991. Abortion numbers are down. Legislatures are giving us more tools than ever to use against the child-killing woman abusers. Hearts and minds are being changed in favor of life. We are making headway, a bit at a time, but I have every hope that abortion will end one day, whether I am alive to see it or not.
I pray for this daily!
GREAT Response to Murphy’s question. Christians and conservatives need to learn that it takes many years to change the culture. Always remember to be faithful to the one (Christ) who said, “Lo, I am with you always.” We have hope no matter what the situation is that we are confronted with.
Discouraged at the lack of understanding that our own government and Judges are willing to hide the fact of how poor safety nets are!!!
Abortion clinics do NOT need to meet the basic standards of medical, healthcare, nursing practices REQUIRED for ALL healthcare providers….. And, with the recent unwillingness of the Supreme Court to put those safety nets in place, women don’t even know Planned Parenthood clinics provide subpar medical care as well.
I do not support abortion. I’ve worked in women’s and children’s care through the birth process, as well as providing nursing leadership and education for care. To see perfectly formed, spontaneous aborted, babies at all gestational ages, and the loss parents feel, is very difficuly.
But to know that Planned Parenthood doesn’t even value the life of the mother is sickening!!! They complain when they are asked to meet same surgical standards for nursing, continuity of care, and plan for emergencies….. The point being…..medical care requires that a Dr providing a procedure have in place being able to follow up with that patient by having privileges to continue care at nearby hospital!!! Complications could occur during or after an abortion causing life threatening problems. That should be acknowledged up front so Dr could accompany, or meet client at a nearby hospital and treat the patient.
What currently happens is that PP places frantic call for an ambulance, patient is loaded and delivered to an ER to staff who are very busy with many other patients having problems…. A nurse/Dr who doesn’t know anything about what the problem is needs to drop everything with other patients to stop the hemorrhaging for the abortion patient….
Medical standards require that preparations are made ahead of time to manage emergencies! The practice requires the Dr be able to practice at a hospital and he, himself, address, or have specific backup person, to manage that emergency there. No, PP just dumps that life threatening medical emergency on an ambulance ride to a hospital for Emergency Room people who have less skills in handling a birth/abortion than the abortion provider himself. It’s all left to chance…
Shouldn’t ALL women be entitled to care which meets the national standards of practice REQUIRED for all other healthcare??? This is what the lawsuit by PP against the state of Texas was about… Texas said PP needed to meet those requirements in order to provide abortions….. The court system agreed so PP just filed lawsuit against Texas, and took it to Supreme Court! The Judges at Supreme Court gave into PP and decided that women getting abortions at PP didn’t deserve the same level of care as ALL others!!!
The redacted 911 call was beyond ridiculous. We they trying to amuse themselves?
Seems like this should be illegal.
The Democrats and liberals WANT to kill people. WHY? Power and control
But more importantly they are determined to NOT let the public know what is happening.
Workers of evil love darkness. Because they want to hide their evil works
Whoever is “over-redacting” the public information from records requests should be fired and held criminally responsible.