By Cheryl Sullenger
Cleveland, Ohio – Operation Rescue has just obtained a 911 recording of an emergency call placed from the Cleveland Surgi-Center last September that details horrific abortion complications suffered by a woman who was said to be only sporadically breathing and whose lips were turning blue.
According to an employee of the Cleveland Surgi-Center that first placed the call on September 14, 2013, the 24 year-old woman had a history of seizure disorders for which she was taking the medication Depakote. The woman began to experience seizures after the abortion procedure.
“This abortion clinic is not equipped to handle life-threatening complications that can be expected with high-risk patients like the one who was the subject of this 911 call,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “It appears that giving this patient an abortion, knowing that it could bring on seizures for which they were unprepared to cope, was negligent and placed financial gain above the welfare of the patient.”
The abortion worker who initially placed the 911 call for help lacked important information about the patient’s condition and transferred the call to an unidentified “nurse,” who seemed confused about the patient’s age. Yet her description of the woman’s condition was startling.
“I have a patient here that we just – uh – she’s had an abortion. She has a seizure disorder. Uh, when she was waking up, she seems to be in tonic-clonic, her lips are blue, she’s having difficulty breathing – she’s non-responsive,” stated the abortion “nurse.”
The term “tonic-clonic” refers to a state of seizure that involves muscle contractions. Blue lips are usually an indication of hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation.
A portion of the call transcript raises questions about whether or not the patient survived her ordeal and if she did survive, whether she suffered brain damage.
Abortion Clinic Caller #2: I think she’s been having a seizure for a good 5 minutes here.
Dispatcher: Okay. How old is she?
Abortion Clinic Caller #2: Uh, she’s in her 30’s with, uh —
[Unintelligible background conversations]
Dispatcher: Okay. Is she awake right now?
Abortion Clinic Caller #2: No, she’s not responsive. She seems to be going back into seizures again. She’s 24.
Dispatcher: She’s 24?
Abortion Clinic Caller #2: Yeah.
Dispatcher: But she is breathing, right?
Abortion Clinic Caller #2: Uh…sporadically.
“We are asking the Ohio Medical Board to investigate this incident and to take whatever steps are necessary to protect the public from aging abortionists who appear to be playing ‘Russian Roulette” with the lives of high-risk patients,” said Newman.
Abortionists at the Cleveland Surgi-Center include 87 year-old Lee I. Rubinstein and Mohammad Hassan Rezaee, a 79 year-old native of Iran. Rezaee had a history of medical malpractice lawsuits.
This is the second known medical emergency documented by Operation Rescue at the Cleveland Surgi-Center. A previous incident took place on December 1, 2012, when a patient had passed out and was turning pale from apparent blood loss.
That is reckless endangerment. At 87 and 79 years of age, it is long past time for those two abortionists to retire.
They should retire to a SuperMax Prison where all babykilling abortionists belong.
This clinic is 5 minutes from my house. I have prayed in front of it numerous times. Most people don’t even know there’s an abortion mill in the building because it still has it’s old name on it as the “Deaconess Professional Centre” which is the former Deaconess Hospital. We had hopes that this mill would shut down because the building was up for sale, but the new owners evidentially didn’t kick the abortionists out. About 2 blocks down the street from the mill is our county run hospital MetroHealth. That’s probably where they take all their patients needing care. The Surgi Center is the only abortion mill on the west side of Cleveland and as far as I know, it’s 1 of 3 mills in the greater Cleveland area. Never knew anything about the abortionists at this mill. I figure they won’t be around much longer, but you know the devil will find a replacement for them. Pray that this patient survived.
It’s all about the almighty dollar for these butchers, so sick that so many must pay with their very lives.
The only way abortion will end – is to pray to end abortion – God hears all of our prayers and answers them – He will answer our prayers to end abortion as well. Let us pray also for the outstanding people at Operation Rescue, Margaret who wrote earlier that stated she has prayed in front of CSC abortion mill and all for pro-lifers who care enough to try to protect the innocent, defenseless unborn baby from abortion and death at CSC abortion mill and throughout the World. Your work for the unborn baby is not in vain and you will be rewarded one day. God Bless You All.
These 2 abortionists have many more malpractice suits that the public hasn’t seen yet too.
It is SO appaling to me that abortion is legal-not only does it kill babies but it kills/injures woman too. All abortionists are evil without a question. I am surprised that at the end one of the abortionists is named Mohamed? So a Muslim like myself….wow. You can’t be an abortionist and be of a religion that knows God. Sick.