By Cheryl Sullenger
New York City, NY – As the 44th memorial of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that decriminalized abortion approached, Planned Parenthood provided us with a cautionary tale — one it hoped would never become public.
While Planned Parenthood prepared to celebrate “safe, legal” abortion, one of their own abortion patients was transported by ambulance from Planned Parenthood’s flagship Margaret Sanger Center abortion facility in New York City. The incident took place on January 18, 2017, at approximately 11:45 a.m.
Just two hours before, a pro-life activist spoke with the patient’s husband, who confirmed that the woman was at the Planned Parenthood facility for an abortion.
The woman was removed from the abortion facility on a gurney and wheeled to the ambulance, passing under a large pink banner that ironically read “Healthcare happens.”
“Healthcare really doesn’t happen at Planned Parenthood abortion facilities. There’s no way anyone can seriously consider dismembering an innocent child in the womb to be ‘healthcare,’” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “In fact, Planned Parenthood is also responsible for injuring and killing women during botched abortions that their often sub-standard abortion centers. That’s not rhetoric. That’s fact and we have volumes of documentation to prove it. Abortion was never safe, and it still isn’t.”
The Planned Parenthood abortion patient was lying on her side in the fetal position on the gurney. One witness who photographed the incident told Operation Rescue that the woman appeared to be in a great deal of pain.
Pro-life activists on the scene were able to get contact information for further assistance into the hands of the husband before his wife was rushed to the hospital.
Operation Rescue confirmed through publicly available radio communications that an ambulance was dispatched to Planned Parenthood’s Bleecker Street address on Margaret Sanger Square at 11:20 a.m. No other information was available on the patient’s condition.
This represents the fifth documented medical emergency at the Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood. On November 4, 2016, an African-American woman was brought out of the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in a wheelchair, placed on a gurney, and transported by ambulance. A similar incidents took place on March 1, 2016; October 14, 2015; and May 4, 2013.
“As the nation marks the 44th memorial of Roe v. Wade with pro-life marches around the country, we can see that the need to defund Planned Parenthood is more urgent than ever,” said Newman. “If Planned Parenthood wants to continue the business of aborting babies and maiming women, it shouldn’t do it with our tax money, which can be better spent on providing real healthcare to women.”
Read about women killed by abortion.
Visit, the largest online collection of documents related to abortion abuses.
Some women are stupid to think that PP is there for their Health, a Big joke, just there to help depopulate the poor and minority and to make money off baby parts, instead of going their go to your Dr. or Hospital for your heath needs.
Planned Parenthood is nothing more than an organization of butchers running slaughterhouses! Meanwhile you have idiots wearing vagina hats on their heads walking around children in what they call a “protest”, talk about deranged, disgusting, and having their priorities all screwed up. What is wrong with these socialist democrats and these pervert liberals?!? I am glad they are willing to go on television and humiliate themselves, their families, and their politics because it gives the majority of America which is decent, dignified and morally respectful a glimpse of what insanity looks like when you follow deranged political and activist “leaders”.
Even hell is too good for some people!!
I have no need to see their supporters. I see what they support.
“Healthcare really doesn’t happen at Planned Parenthood abortion facilities. There’s no way anyone can seriously consider dismembering an innocent child in the womb to be ‘healthcare,’” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “In fact, Planned Parenthood is also responsible for injuring and killing women during botched abortions that their often sub-standard abortion centers. That’s not rhetoric. That’s fact and we have volumes of documentation to prove it. Abortion was never safe, and it still isn’t.”
Death is great, life is tragic.An unborn child is deranged by this process. Due to this child’s premature development. most steel will be pushed though thorough
Please don’t forget that 30% of Democrats are pro-life, including me. Does every Republican believe everything that the Republican party stands for? Why don’t Republicans reach out to Democrats for Life ( Maybe we can all work together.
And why do you presume that everyone who is not politically conservative is a “pervert”? I happen to be conservative on social issues and moderate to liberal on social issues. There are many people with liberal political views who have stable marriages or are upstanding single adults, raise their children well, are assets to their communities, and are fine Christians, Jews, and (gasp!) Muslims.
It’s inconceivable to me that anyone who is pro life, certainly anyone who is a true Christian, could support the Democratic party. What are the liberal views to which you refer ?
” The Planned Parenthood patient was lying on her side in the fetal position…”
How sadly ironic
FOLLOW the money for these barbaric “services”!!! They get money from US in the form of our TAXES and give back to the DEMOCRAT PARTY!!!
FOLLOW the money with NO MORAL COMPASS!!!!!!
Can you just imagine the horrible, horrible pain these poor little babes go through because of the selfishness of the mother! How cruel can anyone be to know their childs body is being dismembered because the babe is an inconvenience to the mother…..God help you women!! That is the worse form of murder that could ever take place!!!!!!
Even the name “Planned Parenthood” is a misnomer. When one plans for parenthood, that means bear children to become parents. How can one become a parent if the baby is murdered in the womb?
Planned parenthood never was for women’s health how I know I got pregnant in the 70’s, my insurance didn’t kick in for a month I ended up miscarrying, but once I found to be pregnant I went to planned parenthood till I had insurance and all they cared to do was try talking me into an abortion, no prenatal care was ever offered just an abortion.
Abortion, Not Prenatal Care at Planned Parenthood – YouTube
Thank you for posting that. I was looking for it to do the same.
New York City certainly has gone down since I moved away. Margaret Sanger Square? A city Square named after a known eugenicist and Racist? The founder of PP? How low can you go?
Is God just? Maybe when a woman determines to kill her own baby, her own life may be forfeited. What price eternity?
Too bad the lady might be going to the hospital but I’m pretty sure we all know the poor baby involved was probably dead by then. Perhaps some pieces of his body still inside of her :'(