By Cheryl Sullenger Austin, TX – Emergency 911 records obtained by Operation Rescue show that Whole Woman’s Health, an abortion facility in Austin, Texas, requested that an ambulance come without using sirens for a patient suffering a medical emergency . The incident took place on August 28, 2019. The woman, 31, was in the process […]
911: Woman Hemorrhaging at Troubled Dallas Abortion Mill
By Cheryl Sullenger Dallas, TX – Emergency 911 records obtained by Operation Rescue show that the Southwestern Women’s Surgery Center abortion facility in Dallas, Texas, requested an ambulance for a 24-year old woman who was experiencing heavy bleeding. The abortion facility caller, who identified herself as “Rachel,” also asked that the ambulance run without […]
911 to Abortion Business: “We’re Coming as Fast as We Can” for Woman with “Traumatic Injury”
By Cheryl Sullenger Jacksonville, FL – In an all-too-frequent scene at abortion facilities in America, an ambulance was spotted at the Women’s Choice of Jacksonville abortion facility in Jacksonville, Florida, on Friday, September 27, 2019. Operation Rescue obtained the 911 recording and CAD transcript, both of which were heavily and unnecessarily redacted. An employee of […]
Planned Parenthood in Baltimore Delays Ambulance with Sneaky New Tactic to Conceal Medical Emergency
By Cheryl Sullenger Baltimore, MD – When a medical emergency arose at a Baltimore Planned Parenthood abortion facility recently, one Planned Parenthood employee did something unusual. Instead of picking up the telephone and dialing 911 — the quickest way to get help — she used a Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) to call the Intrado […]
911: Woman Hemorrhages After Elective Abortion on 24-Week Viable Baby
By Cheryl Sullenger Cherry Hill, NJ – An ambulance was called to the Cherry Hill Women’s Center (CHWC) in New Jersey on September 21, 2019, for a 22-year old abortion patient who was hemorrhaging after an abortion. According to 911 records obtained by Operation Rescue, the woman underwent an elective abortion of her baby at […]
Woman with Perforated Uterus Rushed from Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility that Possibly Supplies Aborted Baby Tissue
By Cheryl Sullenger Providence, RI – An ambulance was called on June 11, 2019, for a 21-year old African-American woman who suffered a perforated uterus during an abortion at the Providence Health Center Planned Parenthood in Rhode Island. A perforated uterus means that a hole was torn through the uterine wall and into the abdominal […]