In the early afternoon of December 6, 2022, 911 was called by a nurse at Chicago’s Family Planning Associates Medical Group to report that a 35-year-old woman who had been sedated for a surgical abortion was not waking up. The 911 records, provided to Operation Rescue by the Pro-Life Action League, revealed details concerning the woman’s frightening […]
Abortion Clinic Nurse Pushes Woman to ER in Wheelchair
The misnamed Hope Clinic for Women, located at 1602 21st Street in Granite City, Illinois, is notorious for its life-threatening medical emergencies. The abortion business is located across the street from Gateway Regional Medical Center, a 305-bed hospital originally founded just over a century ago as a private Catholic hospital. Most of Hope Clinic’s botched […]
Nurse Laughing During Second 911 Call in Two Days from ‘Hope’ Clinic for Women
The first emergency transport was on November 8, 2022, at about 12 noon, and involved a 42-year-old woman suffering from vaginal bleeding. The computer-aided dispatch transcript of the 911 call identified the emergency as high priority. According to Operation Rescue associates who were present on the sidewalk that day, Erin King and Yogendra Shah were the abortionists on duty. The second […]
Downers Grove, IL – On October 21, 2022, pro-lifers observed an ambulance in the parking lot of Access Health Center at about 12 p.m. The nurse who called 911 said the doctor was unable to complete an abortion on a woman because of “heavy bleeding.” When asked if the patient was in severe pain, the nurse stated: […]
Suffering Woman Requests Ambulance at Chicago Abortion Clinic
Downers Grove, IL – On April 26, an employee of Access Health Center, located in a suburb of Chicago, called 911 on behalf of a patient suffering from acute lower abdominal pain. According to the abortion clinic employee who made the 911 call, the patient actually requested transport to a hospital emergency room. The caller showed little concern […]
Another Abortion Clinic Patient Has Seizure: Transported by Ambulance
Aurora, IL – Associates of Operation Rescue who were on site at Planned Parenthood Aurora Health Center in Aurora, Illinois, reported that emergency medical personnel treated and transported a patient shortly after 11 a.m. by ambulance on Saturday, September 24, 2022. After securing the 911 recording of the emergency, Operation Rescue learned that a female patient […]