By Cheryl Sullenger New York, NY – For the eighth time in 2019, an ambulance has rolled up to the Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood abortion facility on Bleecker Street in New York City to transport a Planned Parenthood patient to the hospital. The incident took place on August 1, 2019, at approximately 11:45 a.m. In […]
Nightmare Before Christmas: Uncooperative Planned Parenthood Caller Hides Crucial Info from 911 Dispatcher and Parents of Suicidal Minor
By Cheryl Sullenger Aurora, IL – It was December 24, 2018. While other families were excitedly making final preparations for Christmas celebrations, one family had much sadder plans. Even though it was Christmas Eve, a mom and dad escorted their minor daughter to the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Aurora, Illinois. Once the girl was […]
Danger: Seventh Woman in 16 Weeks Transported from NYC’s Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Abortion Mill
By Cheryl Sullenger New York, NY – As pro-life activists prayed and offered practical assistance to abortion-bound women, two ambulances pulled up to the Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood on Friday, June 7, 2019, and removed a woman on a gurney completely covered with a sheet. According to video and photographs taken at the […]
Not Safe: Boston Planned Parenthood Has Hospitalized 10 Women in Last 12 Months
The incidents took place on the following dates: 05/19/18; 05/30/18; 07/05/18; 09/07/18; 09/11/18; 10/19/18; 11/28/18; 02/04/19; 04/20/19; and 4/23/19 The Greater Boston Planned Parenthood conducts abortions through 20 weeks, 6 days of pregnancy. A letter dated May 14, 2019, from the Boston Public Health Commission admits that 911 records were generated, including audio files, detailed […]
Women in Danger: Third Ambulance in 22 Days Rushes to Troubled St. Louis Planned Parenthood
By Cheryl Sullenger St. Louis, MO — It’s called the most dangerous abortion clinic in America – with good reason — and once again, the Reproductive Health Services Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in St. Louis, Missouri, has lived up to that name. For the third time in three weeks (22 days) an ambulance has responded […]
Hidden Health Crisis: Planned Parenthood Hospitalizes Another Injured Woman as Medical Emergencies Increase
By Cheryl Sullenger Walnut Creek, CA – As if another case in point is needed about Planned Parenthood lack of abortion safety, another young woman was transported by ambulance from the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Walnut Creek, California. The radio dispatch audio clip for this medical emergency notified the ambulance to respond “Code 3,” […]